The Artist's Sandals - oil/panel - 7"x5" - nfs
And so another journey begins.
This little study marks the first piece created when I arrived in Ballyvaughan two weeks ago.
I headed out close to my cottage with the idea to find something in the landscape.
I suppose its quiet significant that I ended up after all my looking about to stop and gaze down at my Sandals.
This type of finding has happened to me to date on several occasions during my life time. There are a number of pieces that were made in the past during my time spent journeying in Thailand of a similar scene - the worn shoes I walked in perhaps marking the end of a journey and the beginning of a new one. And more recently a painting of my shoes on the grass beside me during a stay at Cill Rialaig and a larger painting of my boots.
For me these paintings are special in that they mark departures - perhaps a shift in my own mental state and form a more inward prospective.
Really looking forward to showing you all some of the larger finished works I have been completing here in preparation for my next solo show but first I will wait a while and continue to post images of some of my daily studies for you to see.
Hope you will enjoy them.
- Richard