What is 'In Medias Res' ?
Just as writers or directors might plunge their audience right into the middle of a story I decided to confront the landscape 'up close' with the last few large scale paintings I have been creating.
This piece along with the other recent large works seem to hover between abstraction and representation.
This painting marks the 201st image posted on my blog since June of last year.
Since arriving here at the Burren to take up residency I have been so busy making works that from one day to another I don't know where to begin as regards posting images of completed works. Currently I seem to be following three lines of investigation in my work and they all have a very different format and way of coming into existence.
But yet as you stand back and observe the work you can see how there are really all related.
Working this way keeps me very excited and engaged.
Hope you are enjoying the work as it progresses.
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