Arabic Pitcher - oil/panel - 7"x5" - sold
For the last two weeks or so I have been busy concentrating on posting images of mixed media landscapes pieces created during my last trip to Thailand on my facebook page. These works are the last available pieces from a body of work made there in 2009 and have never been shown outside of my studio/home setting.
If you have a facebook account look me up to see these available works and pricing.
I have also been busy trying to find a new suitable studio space for me to work in the north county Dublin area. Its a work in process!
More recently I have been working on a large scale and am finding my 'box room studio space' to cramped. I need more space!
Heading off this Saturday morning to Florence, Italy for a two week holiday and to attend my friends wedding there in the Tuscan region. Cant wait and hope to get a good bit of work made during my time spent there and of course to visit the fabulous museums.
Don't know if you guys noticed but I have changed the 'title name' of my blog recently from 'Painting Projects' to 'Objects of Desire'.
This title goes all the way back to a cultural studies essay completed during my second year in college. I had been mulling over several new titles for the blog over the past few months and it just so happened that a 'label' I had been attaching to pieces since the projects inception was the perfect one. Hope you like it.
- Richard