Red Apple with Mandolin and Hand Turned Bowl - oil on canvas - 20"x 14" - sold
The past few days have been spent painting outside in the glorious weather that we have been having here in Ireland. Painting en plein air has to be for me the most enjoyable, challanging and rewarding way to create. It's so energizing, and I really feel improvments with every piece I make when outdoors.
The reason for this being that, I find you really have to focus, edit and keep your initial concept and inspiration pure and in the forefront of your minds eye in order for the piece to 'sing' and come across as I envisaged at the outset.
Can't wait to show you all these sketches in oil over the coming of weeks.
This classical still life painting above was started some time ago. Painting outdoors during the day helps me to focus well and I feel fine tuned and loosened up in the evening to work on pieces like this.
Here is a studio shot of the piece in process below: