Rusty Metal with Moss - Oil/panel - 12"x9" - soldDuring my first three weeks in residency at the Burren College of Art, Artist Patricia McKenna kept the studio next to me. Sharing a studio space with Patricia was so rewarding.
Patricia is a very well established artist who works mostly in art installation and has a strong background in painting.She actually used to lecture at my college, DLIADT, when I was there!
Her project during her time spent here had to do with examining and exploring the idea and concept of 'place'. She was always so busy writing, researching and experimenting with ideas
- it was a joy and real learning experience for me to be able to observe her at work - not to mention all the great chats we had.
When Patrica's time in residence was over it took me a few days to try and adjust to not having her about to bounce ideas off and ask for her opinion.
The last two painting I have made where found objects used in one of Patricia's installation pieces. The day after she had left I was out the back of the college where 'things kind of end up', and found there these metal tractor parts that Patricia had used. I found them so interesting and they reminded me of Patricia's work that I brought them straight back to my studio space.
Here is a link to Patricia's website which contains some of her well known Art projects. Her new website is currently under construction and should be online soon. Will post a link to it when it's up.
Hope you like the work Patricia, and thank you so much for all your kind words of encouragement they have acted as a real affirmation for me.
- Richard