Monday, November 30, 2009
A Bottle of Black

Friday, November 27, 2009
*New Blog Launched

Which will feature Works created during painting sessions from life in the Royal Hibernian Academy.
Working with a live model is an energizing and educational lesson. The human figure is such a complicated form and has in it all the qualities to teach and challenge you as an artist.
Looking forward to see how these RHA painting sessions feed into my work and help me to further develop as an Artist.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Delft Bowl with Knife and Apple

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rapeepan (portrait of my wife) -oil/panel - 5"x5" - nfs
This study of Pu's face was created in about 10 minutes the other evening when she came into my studio and sat down to see what I was working on.
I grabbed up my brush and a new panel and 'ordered' her to sit still for me. The light and shadows that fell across her face just sang out to me to be captured.
This portrait of Pu marks the 250th post to my blog and is the only portrait or figurative study to be posted to date.
I hadn't made a portrait of her in a long time - in fact I think it was about 2005 when I last made a sketch of her.
Portraits of my closest friends used to be a really big part of my creative output.
Maybe I'll put together a collection of these works for you to see sometime.
Of course I really love this piece.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Black Ceramic Cups and Saucer

Black Ceramic Cups and Saucer - oil/panel - 5"x5" - sold
Many thanks to all who attended the launch of my Solo Show last night and for all the well wishes and support I have received by email over the last week or so.
The show has really got off to a great start and am very much looking forward to see how the work is received over the coming weeks.
This Solo Show continues until Tuesday December 22nd, so if you didn't get a chance to get in to see the collection of works on display last night the opportunity is still there, and I believe the gallery will be open seven days a week in the lead up to Christmas.
If you would like a titles and price list for the ongoing Show or to reserve a painting on this site you can email me at info@richardhearns.com
Now I will begin working towards my next solo show in late March of 2010. Will let you know more about that show in the coming months.
Received another invitation of a residency in the Cill Rialaig arts centre before Christmas so very much looking forward to that opportunity.
Thanks again for all your support and encouragement.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monochromatic Study
(image unavailable)
Today marks the Official launch of my solo exhibition in the Grange Gallery. Reception starts about 7pm.
Hope you can come along to celebrate my work with me.
The painting was created by using and mixing one earthy oil colour with black.
The 'nostalgic objects' are an ol' jug, black stout bottle and an old biscuit tin.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saint Fursey's Song

Saint Fursey's Song -oil/panel - 7"x5" - sold
(a view towards Scariff Island, Co. Kerry)
This piece was created some months ago during my second residency in Cill Rialaig.
As some of you may know the image of an island has been a recurrent subject and motif in my work for many years now.
Each day during my stay in Cill Rialaig I gazed upon the majestic island of Scariff and towards the end of my stay I created this painting.
After completing the piece I walked into the communal cottage which houses a pretty extensive library. I flipped open a book of poems entitled 'The Sky didn't fall' by a poet called Kerry Hardie
and this was the poem I happened upon.
'Saint Fursey's Song'.
St. Fursey speaks to his brothers, St Ultan and St Foillan.
'Come, brothers,
we are free now, let us live freely,
the rose and the fire in our hearts.
Let us not worry our heads over rightness or wrongness,
nor fret about goodness,
but sing like the birds in the trees.
And we will go wandering, following the light,
we will speak where we will, and sleep where we will,
and take no more care than the lilies in His book.
I made enquiries of the olive-skinned young man,
he who studies under Cumian
and comes from a place he calls Lebanon;
he tells me these lilies spring up like our orchids fair and careless and singing with colour
and we three will be like them and will walk
with easy steps even in the darkest, most fearsome of places,
and certainly we will fear,
But underneath our fear we will be fearless,
So let us take up our ash -plants and be off,
and you, Ultan, bring that pup if you cannot leave her,
she will lift up your heart when your feet are sore,
she may even bring us a bird for the pot but I doubt it,
I think she is not of the stuff of great hunters.
And you, Foillan, tell your crow to follow after,
and sometimes to go before us to show us the way,
for he is a ruffianly bird, full of appetite
and hard sense,
and it's well that men like us be watched for by such as him.
Now farewell, Ireland, Loveliest of all earth's lands.
we may never more see you with human eyes,
but know that we will always have sight of you in our hearts.
And farewell to all who dwell in this land,
do not fear for us, for our souls are safe,
and what are our bodies but little sod houses
putting shelter round fire and round love?
What harm then if the house should crumble?
Fire and love cannot crumble,
fire and love will burn always
in one house or another
lighting windows in the darkest light.
Friday, November 13, 2009
'Solo Show' - Exhibition Notice

Majestic Dawn, Co. Kerry - oil/panel - 24"x18" - sold
The last of my latest works were hung yesterday in the gallery exhibition space for the launch of my solo show next week.
This exhibit will showcase a large series of expressive landscape and observational still life paintings which I created here both at home in Dublin and on my recent residencies in the Burren, Co . Clare and Cill Rialaig in Co. Kerry. (most of which can be previewed here on my Blog, http://www.richardhearnspaintings.blogspot.com/ )
The Show Opens Officially at The Grange Gallery, Oldtown/ Ballyboughal, North Co.Dublin with a wine reception hosted by the Gourmet Food Company, this Thursday the 19th of November 2009 at 7.30pm. Exhibition Continues until Tuesday the 22nd of December.
I think the show looks just fabulous , so I really hope you can come along to the opening night or over the Christmas season to see the work for yourself.
Oh! before I forget, the painting above was created during my recent residency at the old famine village of Cill Rialaig in south west Kerry. I got up at dawn to capture the majestic views from the cliffs looking towards Ballinskellig bay.
Hope you like it - Richard
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Red Apple in a little Blue Ceramic

Red Apple in a little Blue Ceramic -o/p - 5"x5" - sold
Later today or tomorrow I will be posting an 'Exhibition Notice' with details about my Solo Show in the Grange Gallery. The exhibition was hung yesterday, and if I may be so bold - 'looks really Amazing'. Looking forward to the Official Launch.
If you would like to 'reserve a Painting' or receive a 'titles and prices list' just send me an email with your request.
- Richard
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
In a Blue Bowl

In a Blue Bowl - oil/panel - 5"x5" - sold
Just heading out this morning to drop my last pieces of work into the Grange Gallery where a solo show of my work is to be be held shortly.
A preview of the show starts from tomorrow, and the official opening is on next Thursday the 19th of November. I am really excited and cant wait to see all the work displayed in the gallery space. The show runs until December 22nd.
Will post more details here and on my website over the next few days.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Wedding Bouquet

The Wedding Bouquet - oil/panel - 7"x5"
As some of you may know I got married a couple of weeks ago to my partner of five years, Rapeepan Lapromma or 'Pu', as most of you know her by her pet name. Had an absolutely wonderful day and have just returned home last night after a weeks honeymoon in Madrid.
The Spanish capital was just awe inspiring not to mention extremely romantic!
We really got around visiting all the Art museums ( my favorite place to be other then the studio), including El Prado, The Museo Thyssen and Reina Sofia which we visited yesterday to see Picasso's 'Guernica', while not forgetting all the sites and restaurants ( Pu's favorite place to be)!
Above is another study of The Wedding Bouquet - this time I cropped in to concentrate my efforts on describing, even more, the dramatic light, textures and tonal shifts across the flowers.