The Artist's Pot and Paints, Composition in Ochre and Grey - oil on canvas - 30"x 24"
Over the past months a new body of work has been emerging. In many of my observational still life paintings I have been concerned with design and balance - a richness of colour and painterly application as well as creating a strong focus, not to mention an overlying concept and atmostphere to tie the whole piece together.
During a walk in the burren over a year ago I was struck by the idea of how I might allow the space around a singular object to become just as an important element as the object of reference itself. I do realize that the space has had this important role in my art works all along - but giving further consideration and thought to the space could only prove to strenghten my investigation.
I'm excited, and look forward to introducing you all to this new body of works over the coming weeks!
- Richard
(Detail below)
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