The Artist's Tools - oil on canvas - 14"x12" - sold
This is the most recent Still Life piece I have made and it was created in front of the Portmarnok Art Group as part of a demonstration and discussion I gave a few weeks ago.
The Portmarnok Art group have kindly invited me to give lectures and demonstrations for their group over the past few years and I feel I am really getting to know them all now individually and always have enjoyed our discussions and interactions.
As many of you know I qualified as an art Craft and Design teacher in 2004 at the National College of Art and Design, NCAD but at that stage had decided that I would continue being a dedicated full time Artist as it was my calling. I do however find it very rewarding to teach groups of interested painters from time to time as well as help individuals with there portfolio preparation and painting. So, if there are any individuals that feel they might enjoy having a dialogue with me as regards their art work or any art groups out there that would like to learn from me please do feel free to send me a mail.
My most recent Exhibit that opened on November 26th looks like it will be extended for a week or so. The show has had a huge turn out and a great response which really is a positive affirmation for me when you consider the current economic climate and how shows have been going in Dublin in general. Its always extra special when so many people purchase your work for their private collections. As Robert Henri said 'The greatest honor you can do an artist is to buy his picture and hang it in your gallery'.
My sincere thanks to all for the wonderful words of encouragement and to all who came along to the opening and to all of you who have visited the exhibit.
Am busy this last week working on a very interesting, engaging and different project, so look forward to share this with you in the coming days as well as some very special news about my next port of call.
- Richard
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