Friday, March 29, 2013

Red Shack, Green Jungle, Blue Mountains

This is one of the last couple of open air paintings that I will post which were made in Thailand this year.
It's hard to believe we arrived home a month ago now - and to be honest am still adjusting.

I found this old red shack down a small road near the main bridge on the island of Koh Kood.
There was a tiny cluster of dwellings behind me and some interested work men or laborer's who were building something or other kept coming over to see how I was getting on with the painting. They were really friendly.

In front of me stood this ramshackle red cabin and then just a vastness of lush green jungle and blue mountains.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter.

- Richard 


Unknown said...

Such a great composition and atmospheric quality. Thanks Richard.

Unknown said...

Such a great composition and atmospheric quality. Thanks Richard.