Avacado Halves - oil/panel - 5"x5" - sold
Just arrived home yesterday after a weeks painting trip in Conneamara.
Myself and life long friend Jack Dinan were invited to join 'The Back Lane Painters' for a weeks plein air painting in the beautiful sea side village of Roundstone. The back lane painters all studied under a well known Irish artist and teacher called Henry Healy. The group have been returning to paint in this artist Mecca which is Roundstone for over 30 years now.
It was a brilliant experience for myself and Jack to see 'The Back Laners' at work - so full of energy and enthusiasm.
The Back Lane Painters are: Dr. Tom Scott, Sean Tiernan, John Dinan, Tony AR McCarty and Des Hickey who sadly pasted away a year or so ago.
At the weeks end the Works made featured in an exhibition entitled 'Back lane painters and Friends' - as part of the Roundstone Arts week. The show was opened by Ms. Mary Banotti and attracted a really large crowd. My work included five still life pieces and four plein air landscapes made made during the week in Roundstone harbour, the Inagh valley and looking towards the Maam Turks mountain range.
Thanks very much lads for an enjoyable and creative week.
Looking forward to meeting up again soon.
Hope to get the works made up on my website and blog soon.
Will keep you all updated.
- Richard