'Classical arrangement in Green, Red and Orange'. - sold
The other day I had the opportunity to chat to a another real American Master painter - Harvey Dinnerstein. Harvey is in his eighties and still has the energy of a school boy! That chat was so important to me and I learned so much from listen to him. Harvey thought my work was very strong and interesting. He gave me great advice and encouragement. He talked of New York City and what it has to offer an artist like me. I'm going to take hold of it with both hands!
I am really endeavoring to push myself which each painting in regard to application and how I handle paint. I know with this first piece I choose to paint quite traditional composition. I felt I could use it as a catalyst to propel me into painting again as it reminded me of how I might have set up a narrative with Still Life Objects, but I am not after an over romanticism of the scene. No longer painting objects, I am painting paint. Painting colour, notes of colour.
In the style I imagine as the Dutch masters such as Rembrandt we have been working in a near total dark studio with a little natural light that streams in through fogged windows in the north corner of the room. As the morning progresses the scene or stage before me is cast with light that 'flows' over it. I worked strong on my concept of colour movement and how I might like to allow the painting to be read through texture and colour notes in pleasing ratios.
After two weeks painting at the Art League of New York I am really settling in.
I have had the opportunity to meet with my tutor Gregg Kreutz about three times during that two week period. We discuss at the easel for about ten minutes during each encounter.
I paint from 8.30am until 12.30am each day and have been considering following that with some afternoon sessions, but the city has so much to see so I try and paint as well as I can and concentrate my efforts to produce and create well during the mornings.
I have created near four finished pieces in the past two weeks. Looking forward to show you these art works over the coming weeks.
Best wishes from a snow covered New York City. - Richard
Richard Hearns - Detail from 'Classical arrangement in Green, Red and Orange'.
Still Life in studio 7 at the Art Student League of New York 2012.

This piece with be reserved for my upcoming New York Solo Show.
For advanced reserve and purchasing please contact info@richardhearns.com
That sounds great Richard, interesting to paint in such little light, i imagine, besta luck, e
I was going through my old art blog and found a comment from you. I met you during the summer of 2009. I was studying at the Burren College of Art while you were doing a residency there. I am currently living in Boston. If you get time, you should come up here and get a feel for the irish culture in America!
Hi Alexandra,
Its great to hear from you I remember you well.
Only seeing these comments now.
Having a wonderful and exciting time here in nyc.
Would love a trip to see Boston.
Maybe you might drop me a line to get in touch by email.
I'm at info@richardhearns.com
Best Wishes - Richard
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