Sunday, April 29, 2012

Burren Wall, Ballyvaughan

Burren Wall, Ballyvaughan - oil/panel - sold

The first of several paintings created on my recent road trip from the west to the south west coast of Ireland.

These wonderful and ancient limestone walls near Ballyvaughan village lent themselves as a perfect subject to the type of 'abstract realism' I am working towards.
In my work I am growing supremely interested in all aspects of the paint itself and the surface quality.
My paintings are not illustrations or mere line drawings coloured in, but are, at there best, explorations of the stuff of paint, and how these oily pigments can be transmuted to represent the environment, and effects of light and shadow, mood and atmosphere.

My work should be always an idea, an inspiration honed down to one clear statement. An impression captured, or as Francis Bacon might have called it, 'a concentration of reallity'.

The above detail illustrates how the paint is applied in broad descriptive, and at times textured 'brush strokes'. I pit texture against none texture, colour against none colour, all relationships are considered.

- Richard

For purchase information, please email


Unknown said...

I like the direction you're heading. Keep it up Richard. Wonderful work.

Richard Hearns said...

Thank you Walter! Just spotted your comment now. Hope you are very well. Regards to all at the League - R