Asian Cup - oil on linen, mounted on panel - 12"x9"
For the past number of years I have been working consistently on my paintings. Many good friends, including artists, have said to me during conversations, that I should take a break! I rarely do, feeling that it is more important to be continually holding a brush and making paintings. After all, it does not feel like work to me - more a need fulfilled. I am sure that 99.9% of the time inspiration comes through work, being in that creative space of silent doing. More often, it comes from the amazing dialogue you form as an artist between yourself and the painting in process.
Over this past week or so I have been using collected references and various found objects to make paintings. Most of the time I use these paintings of still life objects just to keep my hand in it, so to speak. I have learnt a great deal from making fluid studies after painters like Gregg Kruetz , with whom I painted with in New York, and his teacher David Leffel. But I have had this nagging feeling for the past while to get my notebook out again, and to begin experimenting more. I have also felt the need to get back to some sound and video work too. I think as an artist, and after a recent meaningful,and welcome conversation with a friend, (over a drink or two), that we should, as artists, continue exploring all our creative avenues, as they inform and help the development of the other.
Working towards deadlines for shows has been great, and really important for me, as it holds a focus. But there needs to be some more 'play' too! The gift of not having to do many commission related works has freed me to just take on the paintings I want to make. I believe this helps me develop faster. And I need to use this freedom to better advantage. Allowing my daily inspiration to be listened to, and acted upon! Thats what I must keep my focus on - that concept, that moment of inspiration. I feel so lucky to have the time and means to be able to do this, to be able to listen to, act upon and develop these daily inspirations.
Thanks to all of you, who continue to support, and point the way for me.
- Richard
- Richard
Below a detail from 'The Asian Cup'.
This painting is reserved for a coming exhibit in 2013.
If you are interested in pricing for this piece, or any work marked reserved please email,
Richard, I thought of you when I was reading this from The Art Spirit. He says: "The best art the world has ever had is but the impress left by men who have thought less of making great art than of living full and completely with all their faculties in the enjoyment of full play. From these the result is inevitable."
- Best, Christie
A Beautiful Sentiment Christie. Thank you. - R
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